Monday, September 24, 2012

Message from Bellinda about the new SIG co-chair

Antonia and I are very happy to welcome Katerina Papageorgiou to the position of co-chair of the New Investigators SIG. We would also like to thank Yash Jalundhwala for running for the position. Both candidates were excellent choices, so it was a tough choice. We were really impressed with the voter turn out, if you will, and would like to thank everyone for taking time to vote in our first official SIG election!

Katerina will be in Budapest and will officially begin her term at the SIG meeting, which will be held on Friday the 26th of October and will begin at 6:15pm. More details about the schedule will be posted in the upcoming weeks.

I'd just like to say thank you to everyone for supporting the New Investigators SIG. I've really enjoyed my two year term and am a little sad that it is almost over, as I have enjoyed working with both Roxanne and Antonia and everyone who has volunteered for one of our committees. It has been fantastic to watch the group grow. I know the group is in excellent hands and I can't wait to see what the future will bring for the NI SIG.

I think groups like this are so important for making first time attendees to conferences feel welcome, for sharing resources and most importantly building your connections and friendships in ISOQOL. I look forward to seeing those who can make the conference in Budapest next week.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Writing and Revising

As you can see I (Bellinda) collect resources on writing. This is because writing is something I have to work really hard on, it is not my strongest skill, but a crucial one. Because it is so important to be able to explain what on earth you did in your study in a way that makes people excited about your work, I'm always looking for ways to improve. So check this one out!

Writing and Revising

The thing I like the most about this guide is the Revision Worksheet. For me, it is important to get something down on paper first and then revise it, and this worksheet can be used to remove all the bad habits we've picked up. For example, one tip that is very helpful for me is:

"Search for sentences with forms of “to be” (e.g., is, are, was, were) and rewrite them with a more powerful verb"

I tend to shy away from powerful verbs, but take a simple example - The sunset was magnificent. Ok, that is nice to know, but this is more descriptive - The sunset looked magnificent. It is simple changes like this that makes your article stand out and easier to read because it is more interesting to read.

If anyone has resources they would like to share we'd love to hear about them!