Thursday, August 2, 2012

2012 Goals

Ok, these are a little late in coming, but here are our goals for 2012

1. Hold our annual SIG meeting in Budapest

2. Hold two lunch round tables in Budapest aimed at career development for NIs. We will organize for senior researchers to join us and we will recycle much of the information we put together for the workshop last year. The working titles are:
a.    CVs, Resumes, and Cover Letters, oh my!
b.    Interview Tips and Strategies

3. Submit the Tricks of the Trade proposal for a symposium. This year we have Dr Juan Dapueto. Prof. John Brazier, Dr Dennis Revicki and Prof. Mirjam Sprangers partaking. We aim to make this an annual event at ISOQOL and are looking into recording the secession so that we can share it on our blog with researchers who were unable to attend.

4. Hold a meet-and-great for new investigators in Budapest.  This will be done outside the hotel at a local, nearby location.  We will hold it the same day as the SIG meeting, and will use this type of event to encourage people to get to know each other and talk about their research and quality-of-life research in general.

5. Hold SIG Elections.  We will work with Rebecca Brandt to run our first online election of a new Co-Chair this summer. (Bellinda King-Kallimanis’ 2-year term is up at the end of this year.)

6. Continue to build our blog site, which we hope to be able to integrate into the new ISOQOL website once that is launched.

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